Mapping Location IDs - Self Service

We now provide a service so that trusted partners can update mappings between their location identifiers and Tripadvisor location identifiers. This will be performed by uploading appropriately formatted CSV ("comma-separated variables") files to a defined endpoint using SFTP.

Wikipedia: CSV


The CSV file must have the extension .csv and must include a header line, with the names: "TA Property ID" and "Partner Property ID" Each line below would have 2 items, separated by a comma:

  1. Your location identifier (alphanumeric, can contain special characters such as spaces, commas, periods, etc,  if enclosed in double quotes)
  2. Tripadvisor's location identifier (numeric)

The columns can be in any order, but the headers for the columns must be included and spelled correctly (note: case sensitive!) for the mapping to be accepted.

> How to find Tripadvisor's location identifier: This can be found in the url for the property's page on Tripadvisor.


The number immediately following the d (in this case "258705") is Tripadvisor's property id.

It is acceptable to have multiple partner property ids mapped to the same Tripadvisor location identifier. It is acceptable to use the same identifier for both fields, so you can just map Tripadvisor's location identifier to your identical identifier. If you upload a mapping pair that exactly matches an existing mapping pair, it will be ignored, but will not affect the results generated by other data in the uploaded file.

Example Data:

Authentication for the service will be SFTP using a username/password from a whitelisted IP address. The username and password for each partner will be distributed by Tripadvisor. Partner will need to provide Tripadvisor with a list of IP addresses or ranges from which they’ll be accessing the SFTP directory. In addition a contact person (full name and email address) will be needed for each partner, and maintained by Tripadvisor.

It is the partner's responsibility to ensure that the mapping and CSV format are correct and valid. Mappings will take up to 24 hours to take effect.   


After upload, Tripadvisor will first ensure the file is valid, and will not process the file further if it is invalid, instead sending an email to the partner notifying them of any errors and prompting them to fix the errors and reupload. Potential errors that will be flagged will include (but not limited to):

  • missing 1 or both values from a line
  • invalid (non-numeric) characters in the Tripadvisor identifier
  • empty file
  • invalid CSV format (wrong delimiter, using a semicolon instead of a comma, spaces without using double quotes, etc)

Important note: Please allow 48h from the creation of a new Tripadvisor listing before attempting to map it. The mapping server is not updated immediately with new IDs and therefore will not recognise freshly created IDs straight away. 

Upon successful validation, Tripadvisor will process the uploaded file, and notify the partner when complete. This will tell you how many new mapping pairs were created, and if any were ignored because they were already present.  If you get an email saying "0 records inserted," you may have an error in your CSV file format, so you should double check your input and try again.


Here is a simple SFTP session showing what needs to be done (> is the command prompt):

> sftp <username>

<username>'s password: ****

sftp> put <filename.csv>

sftp> quit


You can also use more user-friendly SFTP tools such as Cyberduck: to make this easier (see below). 


New Functionality (Implemented Oct. 20, 2016)

Deactivate Duplicates

We have added functionality to allow "deactivation of duplicates" as has been supported on previous tools. This will be implemented by having spreadsheets with a third column, with the header "Deactivate Duplicates." The presence of that header will trigger the deactivate duplicates process. Nothing needs to appear in the column below that.

New Functionality (Implemented Jan. 4, 2017)

Deactivate Mappings

Partners can deactivate a mapping by adding Delete or Deactivate to the CSV header in the third column. This will deactivate ALL mappings listed in this file.


Partner Property ID TA Property ID Delete
Test123 765432  
Test321 876543  


Partner Property ID TA Property ID Deactivate
Test123 765432  
Test321 876543  


Automated Remapping for Merged Properties
Partners now have the ability to sign up for automatic remapping of properties which have been merged by Tripadvisor. Merged property IDs will be remapped on a nightly basis. 


1. Original Mapping

Partner Property ID TA Property ID                      
Test123 765432  

2. 765432 merges with 654321

3. Mapping after Merge

Partner Property ID TA Property ID                      
Test123 654321  


Cyberduck Instructions

 Here are some screenshots to help you, should you choose to use third-party application Cyberduck to transfer your mapping files.


Step 1:



Step 2:



Step 3:



Step 4:



Step 5:



Step 6:



Step 7:
