API Objects_v7


Field Type Description

ContactInfo array

Array of Technical Contact Info objects. Must be present. Must include technical contacts to be notified in case of urgent API issues.
info_contacts ContactInfo array Array of Contact Info objects. Must be present.
languages string array [Optional] Array of strings. This is a list of languages that the partner supports. Use the least specific language possible, e.g. If the partner supports all English regardless of country, list only “en”. Do not list all the currently supported variants of English. TripAdvisor may still send requests that do not use one of the partner’s supported languages. If this happens, the response can be any language the partner chooses; however, TripAdvisor will not allow this property to be displayed in Instant Booking for that particular locale.
pref_hotels number [Optional] Preferred number of hotels per availability request. TripAdvisor may still request a different number of hotels in one request. This is a suggestion to TripAdvisor.
five_min_rate_limit number [Optional] Preferred rate limit, number of requests over 5 minutes. This is a suggestion to TripAdvisor.


Field Type Description
full_name string
The full name of the contact
email string
The email address for the contact. Maximum of 256 characters.
phone_number string
The phone number for the contact. maximum of 50 characters.


Object used in required hotels array containing information about a particular hotel. 

Used in: hotel_inventory

Field Type Description
ta_id number [Optional] The TripAdvisor identification number for this hotel. This is used to aid our automated matching process but does not guarantee that a match will be found.
partner_id string The unique string that the parter uses to identify this hotel. Maximum length 30 characters. Required for mapping purposes and availability requests. Each hotel must have a unique partner_id.
name string
Name of the hotel, in English. Maximum 300 characters. Required for automated matching. May not be blank.
street string
Street address, in English. Maximum 300 characters. Field required for automated matching. May not be blank.
city string
City of the hotel, in English. Maximum 100 characters. Required for automated matching. May not be blank.
postal_code string
[Optional] Postal Code for the hotel. Maximum 20 characters. Highly suggested to assist automated matching.
state string

State is required for all addresses from the United States (US), Australia (AU), Canada (CA), Malaysia (MY) and Philippines (PH).

For addresses from the United Kingdom (GB), New Zealand (NZ), Ireland (IE), Singapore (SG), South Africa (ZA), France (FR) and others the state is optional.

State, province, or other mid-level geographic region of the hotel, in English. Maximum 100 characters.
country string
Country of the hotel, in English. Maximum 100 characters. Required for automated matching. May not be blank.
latitude number
[Optional] Latitude of the hotel.
longitude number
[Optional] Longitude of the hotel.
desc string
[Optional] Description of the hotel. Maximum 1000 characters.
amenities string array
[Optional] Array of Strings. Each String corresponds to an amenity. See Hotel Amenities table at end of this document for all supported examples.
url string
The URL of the hotel on the partner site. Make this URL as specific as possible for the hotel and it must be unique in your inventory. Duplicate URLs in the Hotel Inventory will cause the feed import to fail. This URL must be accessible with a GET request. Maximum 2000 characters. Required for availability requests.
email string
[Optional] Email address of the hotel. Maximum 256 characters.
phone string
[Optional] Phone number of the hotel. Maximum 50 characters.
fax string
[Optional] Fax number of the hotel. Maximum 50 characters.

Map of Inventory



[Optional] Map that use a short description as the key and an inventory room type object as the value. The maximum length of the short description is 100 characters. The room type short descriptions listed for a hotel must be distinct.


Field Type Description
url string
[Optional] The URL of the hotel on the partner site. Make this URL as specific as possible. This URL must be accessible with a GET request. Maximum 2000 characters.
desc string
[Optional] Description of the room type. Maximum 1000 characters.


Field Type Description
hotel_id number
The TripAdvisor (ta_id) hotel id.
room_types Map of AvailabilityRoomType objects
Map that uses a short description as the key and an availability room type object as the value. The maximum length of the short description is 100 characters. The short description must be unique for each room type available in the hotel.


Field Type Description
url string
The URL of the hotel on the partner site. This URL should go to a page that will show the price quoted and allow a user to book the room. Make this URL as specific as possible. This URL must be accessible with a GET request. The maximum length of the URL is 2000 characters. If possible, the URL should go to a webpage in the language specified by the lang parameter in the availability request.
price number
This price must be the total price of all rooms (or all beds if in a hostel) for the entire stay, all discounts applied.
This price will be divided by the number of rooms requested to present to the traveler.
In other words, this price can be calculated as the total of the "base-rate" (the Hotel-room-rate excluding all taxes and fees) for each room requested.
taxes number
All taxes paid at time of booking for the entire stay, all discounts applied. If the parter cannot separate the taxes from the fees, include the taxes in the fees attribute. Includes, but not limited to:
  • National Taxes (including VAT)
  • Local Taxes including state or city taxes
  • Nightly occupancy fees levied by a jurisdiction and paid in advance
  • Any other mandatory taxes that are collected at time of booking for any authority.
taxes_at_checkout number
All taxes paid at the location for the entire stay (between check in and checkout), all discounts applied. Any other mandatory taxes that are collected at time of booking for any authority and paid at checkout. Includes, but not limited to:
  • National Taxes (including VAT) paid at checkout
  • Local Taxes including state or city taxes paid at checkout
  • Nightly occupancy fees levied by a jurisdiction and paid at checkout
fees number
Mandatory fees paid at time of booking for the entire stay, all discounts applied. If taxes are not listed separately, this is the taxes and fees. Includes, but not limited to:
  • Booking fees charged by the booking agent paid at time of booking
  • Mandatory resort fees paid at time of booking
  • Mandatory service fees (e.g. gratuity) paid at time of booking
  • Any other fees not listed above and charged at time of booking
fees_at_checkout number
Mandatory fees for the entire stay paid at time of stay from check-in to check-out, all discounts applied. Includes, but not limited to:
  • Mandatory resort fees paid at checkout
  • Mandatory service fees (e.g. gratuity) paid at checkout
  • Any other required fees not included above and charged at checkout
final_price number
The price of the entire stay including taxes and fees, all discounts applied.
currency string
ISO 4217 currency code of the quoted price. All currencies codes must be in all caps to conform with the standard.
num_rooms number
Number of rooms of this exact room type required to fulfill the availability request.
discounts RoomDiscount array
[Optional] Array of RoomDiscount objects. See Room Discount section for structure. 0 or more Room Discounts may be included.
room_code string
[Optional] Generic room code representing the type of room. See Room Codes section for examples.
room_amenities string array
[Optional] Array of strings. See Hotel Amenities table at end of this document for all supported examples.


Key Description Type
SINGLE Single (non-queen-sized bed in private room) string
QUEEN Queen (or equivalent) string
2_QUEEN 2 Queen (or equivalent) string
KING King (or equivalent) string
SUITE Suite string
SHARED Shared or dorm string



Object that contains discount information for an available room. Values must be in the same currency as the parent AvailabilityRoomType object.
Field Type Description
marketing_text string
[Optional] Alphanumeric up to 50 characters. If not included default marketing text for this offer will be used. Language for marketing text should match the language indicated by the request (and response) in the core API.
is_percent boolean
Indicates whether the discount is a percent or value based discount.
amount number
Value of the discount. If is_percent is true, then this is the percent amount, otherwise it is the actual discount amount. TripAdvisor may truncate or round these values to the nearest integer (in the case of is_percent true, it means that 10.5% may be rounded to 11%) for display purposes.
price number
Positive value of the discount applied to price for the entire stay.
taxes number
Positive value of the discount applied to taxes for the entire stay.
taxes_at_checkout number
Positive value of the discount applied to taxes_at_checkout for the entire stay.
fees number
Positive value of the discount applied to fees for the entire stay.
fees_at_checkout number
Positive value of the discount applied to fees_at_checkout for the entire stay.
final_price number
Positive value of the discount applied to final_price for the entire stay.


Object contained in an errors array. If the errors array is present, please include as many complete attributes in the response as available.
Field Type Description
error_code number
One of the error codes described below:
1 Unknown Error
2 Cannot Parse Request
3 Invalid Hotel ID. If partner_id is unknown, return this.
4 Timeout requested. Stops requests for the specified time.
5 Recoverable Error. Equivalent to http 503.
message string
[Optional] String describing the error. Used for debugging. Maximum length is 1000 characters.
timeout number
[Optional] Number of seconds we should stop sending requests for use with Error Code 4
hotel_ids number array
[Optional] Array of Hotels that this error applies to.


In this case 2 hotels are requested. One has no availability and the other is for an invalid hotel ID.

    "api_version": 7,
    "hotel_ids": [
    "start_date": "2013-07-01",
    "end_date": "2013-07-05",
    "lang": "en_US",
    "party": [{“adults": 2}],
    "errors": [
            "error_code": 3,
            "message": "Hotel code 114134 is no longer used.",
            "hotel_ids": [

Hotel Amenities

Here is the list of hotel amenity types that TripAdvisor supports in the InventoryHotel object as part of the /hotel_inventory call. Please do not use this list in the /booking_availability call, as these will be rejected. For the /booking_availability call, use the Supported Amenity codes.

  • GOLF


Required object containing information about the hotel in general, such as address.  This information will be presented to customer during booking. Used in: booking_availabilitybooking_submit (Reservation) and booking_verify (Reservation)

Field Type Description
name string The name of this hotel
address1 string Street Address
address2 string [Optional] Additional address information
city string
Town or city
state string [Optional] State or province
postal_code string [Optional] Zip code or postal code
country string ISO 3166 country code
latitude number [Optional] Latitude coordinate
longitude number [Optional] Longitude coordinate
phone string Telephone number of the hotel
url string URL for general hotel contact, not a booking page.
hotel_amenities object

Array of integer codes where each code corresponds to a hotel level amenity. These amenities are not tied to a specific room but are applicable to the hotel, e.g. “24 hour airport shuttle.” Relevant amenity codes are listed in Appendix B and were derived from from the OpenTravel Hotel Amenity Code List.  

Standard amenities are an integer array. Custom amenities specified via string array

photos Photo array

URLs for photos of the hotel to be displayed during the booking process. Image file type should be able to render on modern web browsers (JPG, PNG, GIF) (TIFF is not supported). Photos should support https.

If no photos are availabile, an empty array should be returned.

checkinout_policy string Text describing the check-in/check-out policy for the hotel. Include items needed at check-in, e.g. “Please present valid identification and credit or debit card used for booking.” Should be in the language indicated by the 'lang' parameter. Max length 1000 characters. 
checkin_time string HH:MM Specified in local time zone.
checkout_time string  HH:MM Specified in local time zone.
hotel_smoking_policy object

Use one of the following options (derived from HAC, GRI tables of OTA):

47 All rooms non-smoking
198 Non-smoking room (generic)
268 All public areas non-smoking
900201 Smoking permitted in designated areas and rooms

Allow for custom smoking_policy info (similar to all the custom fields above)

child_policy string [Optional] Text to indicate special considerations for children. For example “Adult only resort” or “Children over 5 years.” If no information is provided, default to null.
pet_policy string [Optional] Based on OTA code table (PET), added a “900401 - Pets not allowed” to the list. Omit from response if you cannot provide this information:
1 Cats only
2 Dogs only
3 Large domestic animals
4 Midsize domestic animals
5 Small domestic animals only
6 Working animals only
7 All pets
8 Small domestic animals
9 Working animals
10 Domestic pets
900401 Pets not allowed
parking_shuttle object

[Optional] Derived from OTAs code list of HAC (hotel amenities) describing parking and/or shuttle availability options to major transportation

41 Free airport shuttle
42 Free parking
53 Indoor parking
63 Off-site parking
64 Outdoor parking
68 Parking
75 Recreational vehicle parking
94 Truck parking
97 Valet parking
116 Accessible parking
171 Parking fee managed by hotel
184 Parking lot
185 Parking deck
186 Street side parking
189 Motorcycle parking
192 Bus parking
216 Long term parking
230 Secured parking
282 Airport shuttle service
293 Parking - controlled access gates to enter parking area
305 Shuttle to local businesses
306 Shuttle to local attractions
329 Limited parking
331 No parking available
 extra_bed_policy_hotel string

[Optional] Provide information on additional beds and configurations available.

Example: “Rollaway bed available”, “Crib”, “Extra beds available on request”
extra_fields object array [Optional] An array of extra fields the partner wants to display.


Field Type Description
url string
URL for the photo. Image file type should be able to render on modern web browsers (JPG, PNG, GIF) (TIFF is not supported). Photos should support https.
thumbnail_url string
[Optional] URL for thumbnail of photo.
caption string
[Optional] Caption for the photo. Should be in the language indicated by the 'lang' parameter in the request.
width number
[Optional] Width in pixels of full size photo.
height number
[Optional] Height in pixels of full size photo.


Field Type Description
first_name string
First name of the user booking the reservation.
last_name string
Last name of the user booking the reservation.
phone_number string
Phone number of the user booking the reservation.
email string
Email of the user booking the reservation.
country string
ISO 3166 country code of the user booking the reservation.


Object to describe details of the primary traveler and party for a room.

Used in: Reservation

Field Type Description
party Party object
An object containing the number of adults and children staying in this room.
traveler_first_name string
First name of the primary traveler staying in this room.
traveler_last_name string
Last name of the primary traveler staying in this room.


Request object describing the payment method of the booking.

Used in: booking_submit


Type Description
card_type string
The type of credit or debit card used. Must be one of the following:
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • AmericanExpress
  • Discover
TripAdvisor requires a credit or debit card at time of booking not only to support a hotel’s guarantee policy but also to reduce fraud. In the case where a hotel does not require a credit or debit card guarantee, it will be up to the partner to either pass or not pass the card details to the hotel.
card_number string
The credit or debit card number.
cardholder_name string
The name on the credit or debit card.
expiration_month string
The expiration month as a two-digit string (e.g. 01, 02, .. 12)
expiration_year string
The expiration year as four digit string.
cvv string
The cvv number.
billing_address Address object
The billing address of the card.


Field Type Description
address1 string
Street address
address2 string
[Optional] Additional address information
city string
Town or city
state string

State or province

State is required for all addresses from the United States (US), Australia (AU), Canada (CA), Malaysia (MY) and Philippines (PH).

For addresses from the United Kingdom (GB), New Zealand (NZ), Ireland (IE), Singapore (SG), South Africa (ZA), France (FR) and others the state is optional.

postal_code string
U.S. Address: Required
Other Address: Optional
Zip code or postal code
country string
ISO 3166 country code


Used in: booking_submit, booking_verify

Field Type Description
reservation_id string
Unique partner identifier for the reservation.
status string
The status of the reservation, must be one of:
  • Booked
  • Cancelled
  • CheckedIn
  • CheckedOut
confirmation_url string
Deep link to the reservation confirmation page.


The confirmation URL is displayed to the traveler after a booking has been confirmed. In addition, it is also displayed in the "My Bookings" page of the TripAdvisor account for the traveler.


Because this URL is displayed to the traveler, it therefore must be a link to a page owned by the booked property which:
1. displays any relevant confirmation codes, and,
2. confirms the dates, rooms and final price for the booking.


"confirmation_url": "http://bookings.bookingengine.com/Channels/BestHotel/confirm.jsp?mode=show&bid=8507809&bCode=9914&lang=en&currency=USD"

checkin_date string
The check-in date of the traveler. The date will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
checkout_date string
The check-out date of the traveler. The date will be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
partner_hotel_code string
The partner specific code for this hotel. In a /booking_submit request this should be the same as in the request.
hotel HotelDetails object
An object containing information about the hotel booked.
customer Customer object
An object containing the customer booking the reservation.
rooms RoomStay array
An array of RoomStay objects.
legal_text string
Optional. Text describing any legal requirements for the hotel. If a partner has a single policy across all bookings, return the partner's legal text here. For example: Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
comments string
Optional. Generic reservation comments field.
receipt Receipt object
Pricing information on the reservation.


Field Type Description
line_items LineItem array
An array containing line items detailing each charge. An array of LineItem objects will contain a separate LineItem for each of rate, tax, and fee types.
final_price_at_booking Price object
An object containing the entire price to be paid at time of booking, including taxes and fees. This will be used to validate the line items.
final_price_at_checkout Price object
An object containing the entire price to be paid at time of stay, including taxes and fees. This will be used to validate the line items. If the full price is paid at the time of booking, this element must still be included, with an amount of 0 or 0.00.


Response object that is optional for a successful booking but required when there is an issue with the booking.

Used in: booking_submit, booking_verify

Field Required Type Description Example
string One of the supported problem types.
"problem" : "MissingEmail"
explanation Required string Partner-specific message to be displayed to the user providing details of the problem, and should be in the language of the 'lang' parameter of the request.
"explanation" : "The e-mail
address is missing"
detail Optional string Partner-specific message providing details of the problem that will not be displayed to the user. Intended for logging purposes.
"detail" : "E-mail address

Problem Types

Used in: Problem

Here is the list of problem types that TripAdvisor supports:

  • CreditCardDeclined
  • CreditCardTypeNotSupported
  • MissingTravelerFirstName
  • MissingTravelerLastName
  • MissingEmail
  • MissingReservationFirstName
  • MissingReservationLastName
  • MissingWorkPhone
  • MissingHomePhone
  • MissingAddress
  • MissingCity
  • MissingStateProvince
  • MissingCountry
  • MissingPostalCode
  • MissingCardholderName
  • InvalidTravelerFirstName
  • InvalidTravelerLastName
  • InvalidEmail
  • InvalidReservationFirstName
  • InvalidReservationLastName
  • InvalidWorkPhone
  • InvalidHomePhone
  • InvalidAddress
  • InvalidCity
  • InvalidStateProvince
  • InvalidCountry
  • InvalidPostalCode
  • InvalidCardholderName
  • UnknownUserProblem
  • RoomNotAvailable
  • PartnerDown
  • PartnerTimeout
  • AgentAttention
  • PropertyNotSupported
  • PriceMismatch
  • UnknownReference
  • UnknownPartnerProblem


This table illustrates different problem situations and how they map to the listed Problem Types.

Example Problem Type Note
Missing required values:
first_name MissingTravelerFirstName  
last_name MissingTravelerLastName  
card_type CreditCardDeclined The explanation field must note this value is missing.
card_number CreditCardDeclined The explanation field must note this value is missing.
expiration_month CreditCardDeclined The explanation field must note this value is missing.
expiration_year CreditCardDeclined The explanation field must note this value is missing.
cvv CreditCardDeclined The explanation field must note this value is missing.
country MissingCountry  
partner_data UnknownReference The explanation field must note this value is missing.
Invalid values:
email InvalidEmail  
country InvalidCountry This applies if the country code is incorrect.
expiration_month CreditCardDeclined

The explanation field must note this value is invalid.

Note that the required format is 'MM', where the allowed range of values is for 'MM' is 01-12.

expiration_year CreditCardDeclined

The explanation field must note this value is invalid.

Note that the required format is '20YY', where the allowed range of values is from the current year to 2099.

(expiration_month && 

expiration_year) < Today


The explanation field must note this value is invalid.

The date represented by the combination of Expiry Month and Expiry Year must not be in the past.

card_number CreditCardDeclined

The explanation field must note this value is invalid.

The credit or debit card number must pass the Luhn algorithm.

cvv CreditCardDeclined

The explanation field must note this value is invalid.

For AmEx the CVV is a four digit number. For Visa, MasterCard, and Discovery the CVV is a three digit number. No alphabetic characters or other symbols allowed.

partner_hotel_code UnknownReference

The explanation field must note this value is invalid.

reservation_id UnknownReference The explanation field must note this value is invalid.
Incorrect Data Types:
phone_number InvalidHomePhone The phone number must be sent as a string containing the allowed characters for phone numbers.
card_number CreditCardDeclined This value must be a string containing digits only.
expiration_month CreditCardDeclined This value must be a string containing two digits.
expiration_year CreditCardDeclined This value must be a string containing four digits.
cvv CreditCardDeclined This value must be a string containing four digits if the value of "card_type" is "AmericanExpress". It must be three digits if the value of "card_type" is "Visa","MasterCard", or "Discover".

Customer Support

This object contains details that the customer can contact for support with the booking. This object must be present for successful API responses, in addition to failure state API responses (for example, if a booking_submit call fails this object must be included).

A phone number that the customer can contact for support is required in the phone_numbers array.

Used in: booking_availability, booking_submit, booking_verify, booking_cancel

Field Type Description
phone_numbers Contact array
An array of customer support phone numbers.
emails Contact array
An array of customer support emails.
urls Contact array
An array of customer support urls.


Field Type Description
contact string
The contact detail, e.g. phone number or email address.
description string
A description for this contact.


An array of LineItem objects will contain a separate LineItem for each of rate, tax, and fee types.

Field Type Description
price Price object
An object containing the price of the line item.
type string
Describes the charge. Must be one of these values:
  • rate
  • tax
  • fee
paid_at_checkout boolean true if the charge will be paid at the time of stay. false if it will be paid at time of booking.
description string
A textual description for the charge. This may be displayed to end users, and should be in the language indicated by the 'lang' parameter in the response.


The following example shows how an array of LineItem objects can be used to represent the various pricing components of a room price. Let's say the following components make up a room price:

  • Base rate: 75 EUR
  • Taxes: 20 EUR
  • Fees: 5 EUR

The hotel requires that these components be paid as follows:

  • final_price_at_booking: 25 EUR (hotel charges taxes and fees immediately when booking was made)
  • final_price_at_checkout: 75 EUR (balance is paid at checkout)

Here is what the corresponding line_items for this price would look like:

line_items: [
    "price": {
        "amount": 75,
        "currency": "EUR"
    "type": "rate",
    "paid_at_checkout": true,
    "description": "Base price"
    "price": {
        "amount": 5,
        "currency": "EUR"
    "type": "fee",
    "paid_at_checkout": false,
    "description": "Resort fee"
    "price": {
        "amount": 20,
        "currency": "EUR"
    "type": "tax",
    "paid_at_checkout": false,
    "description": "Total tax amount"


Field Type Description
amount number
The value of the price.
currency string
ISO 4217 currency code for the price.