Supported Languages

Language codes are a combination of the ISO 639-1 language codes and the ISO 3166-1 country codes.

Note: While we normally follow the above standard we have one known instance where we send "zh_Hant_HK" as a language. This should be interpreted as Traditional Chinese, Hong Kong.

The format is this: lc[_cc[_desc]]. The parts in brackets are optional. lc is the 2 character language code. cc is the two character country code. desc is a further qualifier.

Here is the full list of currently supported country codes:

Code Value
ar_001 Arabic
ar_EG Arabic (Egypt)
cs_CZ Czech
da_DK Danish
de_AT German (Austria)
de_CH German (Switzerland)
de_DE German
el_GR Greek
en_AU English
en_CA English (Canada)
en_GB English (Great Britain)
en_HK English (Hong Kong)
en_IE English (Ireland)
en_IN English (India)
en_MY English (Malaysia)
en_NZ English (New Zealand)
en_PH English (Philippines)
en_SG English (Singapore)
en_US English (United States)
en_ZA English (South Africa)
es_AR Spanish (Argentina)
es_CL Spanish (Chile)
es_CO Spanish (Columbia)
es_ES Spanish (Spain)
es_MX Spanish (Mexico)
es_PE Spanish (Peru)
es_VE Spanish (Venezuela)
fi_FI Finnish
fr_BE French (Belgium)
fr_CA French (Canada)
fr_CH French (Switzerland)
fr_FR French (France)
he_IL Hebrew
hu_HU Hungarian
id_ID Indonesian
it_CH Italian (Switzerland)
it_IT Italian (Italy)
ja_JP Japanese (Japan)
ko_KR Korean (Korea)
nb_NO Norwegian
nl_BE Dutch (Belgium)
nl_NL Dutch (Netherlands)
pl_PL Polish
pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil)
pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal)
ru_RU Russian (Russia)
sk_SK Slovak
sr_Latn_RS Serbian
sv_SE Swedish (Sweden)
th_TH Thai
tr_TR Turkish
vi_VN Vietnamese
zh_CN Chinese (China)
zh_Hant_HK Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
zh_TW Chinese (Taiwan)