
Booking cancel requests are sent by adding /booking_cancel to your endpoint and sending the parameters explained below in a POST request.

The "booking_cancel" API call will allow travelers to cancel their reservations directly from their TripAdvisor login page. This is a major convenience for travelers that delivers a positive user experience, which in turn greatly increases the value of the overall offering provided by Partners to participating hotels.



ContentType: application/json

  "api_version": 8,
  "partner_hotel_code": "sfssc1",
  "reservation_id": "AB0006"


Field Type Description
api_version int
Version of API for this request
partner_hotel_code string
The partner specific code for this hotel.
reservation_id string
Unique partner identifier for the reservation.


ContentType: application/json

  "api_version": 8,
  "booking_cancel_request": {
    "api_version": 8,
    "partner_hotel_code": "sfssc1",
    "reservation_id": "AB0005"
  "status": "Success",
  "cancellation_number": 12345678,
  "customer_support": {
            "phone_numbers": {
              "standard": [
                  "country_code": "1",
                  "number": "5555555555",
                  "description": "Support phone line"



Field Type Description
api_version int
Version of API for this response
booking_cancel_request array
key description type
api_version Version of API for this response integer
partner_hotel_code Echo the partner_hotel_code in the request by TripAdvisor. string
reservation_id Echo the reservation_id in the request by TripAdvisor. string
status string
An overall status of the booking. One of the following:
  • Success
  • AlreadyCancelled
  • CannotBeCancelled
  • UnknownReference
  • Error
cancellation_number string
The associated cancellation number. Required if status is Success or AlreadyCancelled.
customer_support CustomerSupport
A required object containing the hotel’s customer support contact information for guests.
This must be returned on both successes and failures.